Selimiye Mosque in Edirne is the mosque built by Mimar Sinan. 80 In some books at that time, and some 90 years for this work of Mimar Sinan mentioned that "my best work" he said.
Selimiye Mosque is the secret of the inverted tulip
Selimiye Mosque in Edirne is the mosque built by Mimar Sinan.
80 In some books at that time, and some 90 years for this work of Mimar Sinan mentioned that "my best work" he said. Therefore, both the Mimar Sinan is one of the most important works of Ottoman architecture.
7 Temmuz 2014 Pazartesi
10 Haziran 2014 Salı
Duzce Canyon
Camping at the Yenice Forests in Autumn and enjoy the nature.
Camp in Ulu Plateau and Sarıçiçek Plateau and visit Şeker Canyon and Düzce Canyon.
Do fishing at the Eflani Small lakes.Do trekking in the Sorkun Plateau, Ulu Plateau, Sarıçiçek Plateau, Boduroğlu Plateau, Avdan Plateau and the Tokatlı and Düzce Canyons passing through the Safranbolu district.
Lush nature Rize
Alternative tourism in the Eastern Black Sea featured in Rize, tourists in recent years, especially among the Arabs of the top attractions.

7 Haziran 2014 Cumartesi
Did you see the Karaca cave?
Locomotive position of tourism in gümüşhane Karaca Cave Stalactites in the number of visitors in the month of April and May, compared to same period of the previous year in the number of visitors by 13 percent, 98 percent in the number of foreign visitors has increased.
Gümüşhane Special Provincial Administration Secretary General Ekrem Akdoğan, as an institution of the cave a sustainable way to operate the various studies conducted, said compared to last year, this year the number of visitors of the increase is gratifying, he said.
Gümüşhane Special Provincial Administration Secretary General Ekrem Akdoğan, as an institution of the cave a sustainable way to operate the various studies conducted, said compared to last year, this year the number of visitors of the increase is gratifying, he said.
6 Haziran 2014 Cuma
"Sultan City" Sivas
Darul-in to receive the Seljuk period (beauty spots) or Darul-ulama (scholars resort) called Sivas, almost a history of the city. Located in the town square Twin Minaret Madrasah, Madrasah verbal and Hospital, Madrasa and Kalea was Buruciye Gökmedrese in the neighborhood, Sivas important scientific and cultural centers of the past shows that take place. In the photo, of the Ottoman Sultans 3 at Murat Sivas Beylerbeyi Murad Pasha in 1580 and was built in recent years been restored Kale Mosque (left) and Seljuk Sultans 3 Kaykhusraw 1271 made in Buruciye Madrasa seen.
24 Mayıs 2014 Cumartesi
In Ayvalik "green tour" s started
North Aegean region 's favorite holiday boat trip from the town of Ayvalik in the "green tour " began to be organized cruises .
Its natural beauty accommodate 22 candidates in Ayvalik boat operators , tour organization is performing every day at 11:30 to 19:00 hours .
An average of 20 days in the county during the summer months to 5 thousand people blue boat ride is built .
Organizers said in a statement Yildiray fire , air warming , although literally blue round close attention to citizens , he said.
Yet third start of the season against the weekday , weekend , indicating that the six boat tours organized Fever, said:
"Last year, 25 pounds daily tour prices this season 30 pounds taking is applied. This price pays a person who , at noon journey began in the third set and air, according to the state many candidates able to see happening . Tours lunch while the fish and unlimited salad season can you eat the fruit by the sound of music in the evening to spend an enjoyable day . "
22 Mayıs 2014 Perşembe
Gito Plateau, are fascinated with the beauty
Rize's Çamlıhemşin within the boundaries of the area of 2 thousand 400 altitude Gito Plateau, living culture , wildlife and flora, and each year, including climbers and photographers which also houses thousands of domestic and foreign tourists welcomes .
Gito Serhan pIRP Plateau board is operating , AA correspondent, said in a statement , said that tourism in the region to serve the operating board .
Plateau offers the beauty of nature lovers that are doing their utmost to promote the pIRP , " Sights to be , majestic , one of our most beautiful highland plateau Gito our domestic and foreign tourists , nature lovers are waiting for ," he said .
Purslane , springs crashes in fog , almost had the feeling that people telling you above the clouds , he continued :
" Gito Plateau to hike to relax and ideal location. Area Our alternative tourism activities can be held areas for nature-lovers to our are promoting . Surrounded by nature alone , spending time photo safari to join , tracking visitors to do quite like going . Here with good feelings when you leave , come again say. Region's beauty spreading from ear to ear . past, many tourists who visit the area for a while, then comes back with a couple of friends or relatives . "
21 Mayıs 2014 Çarşamba
Rabbit infestation on the island of Akdamar
Doğa Gözcüleri Derneği Başkanı Prof. Dr. Sarı: "Eğer gerekli tedbirler alınmazsa 10 yıl sonra Akdamar Adası'na gittiğimizde, bugünküne oranla daha çıplak bir adayla karşılaşabiliriz"
Van Gölü'ndeki Akdamar Adası'na geçmiş yıllarda bırakılan ve sayıları hızla artan tavşanlar, adayı adeta istila etti.
Bölgenin en önemli turizm merkezlerinden biri olan ve üzerindeki Ermeni kilisesi ile inanç turizmine de hizmet eden Van Gölü'ndeki Akdamar Adası, geçmiş yıllarda dönemin Gevaş Kaymakamı tarafından "turistlerin ilgisini çekmek" amacıyla bırakılan tavşanlar nedeniyle zor günler geçiriyor.
Adada herhangi bir avlanma olmaması nedeniyle sayıları giderek artan tavşanlar, yapılan restorasyonlardan sonra turizm için büyük önem taşıyan kilise ve adanın geleceğini tehdit ediyor.
Ada ve kilise çevresinde oyuklar açarak bitki örtüsüne zarar veren ve tarihi dokuyu tahrip eden tavşanlar, önlem alınmadığı takdirde 10 yıl içinde özellikle adadaki bitki örtüsünü de yok edecek.
Doğa Gözcüleri Derneği Başkanı Prof. Dr. Mustafa Sarı, Akdamar Adası'nın doğal, kültürel, arkeolojik ve tarihi yönüyle çok kıymetli olduğunu söyledi.
Son yıllarda adada çok ciddi restorasyon çalışmalarının yapıldığına dikkati çeken Sarı, ada ve Akdamar Kilisesi'nin inanç turizmi için önemli bir yere sahip olduğunu bildirdi.
Adanın geleceği için tavşan sayısının kontrol altına alınması gerektiğini vurgulayan Sarı, şöyle konuştu:
"Birkaç yıl önce Akdamar Adası'nı ziyaret edenlere 'hoşluk olsun' diye, dönemin kaymakamının önerisiyle adaya erkek ve dişi tavşanlar bırakılmış. Bu tavşanlar, adada doğal düşmanları olmadığı için hızla çoğalmış ve çoğalmaya da devam ediyorlar. Normalde bu tavşanlar ada dışında bu kadar hızlı çoğalamaz. Çünkü doğal düşmanları var. Bu yıl yaptığımız gözleme göre, saat 18.00'den sonra insanların adadan çekilmesinin ardından adanın yüzeyi komple tavşanlarla kaplanıyor. Bu tavşanlar adayı komple kazmış durumdalar. Çünkü bitki kökü arıyorlar, yuva yapmak için toprağı kazıyorlar. Bu tavşanların doğal alışkanlığı. Fakat bitki örtüsüne büyük zarar veriliyor. Buna karşı bir tedbir geliştirilmesi gerekiyor."
Prof. Dr. Sarı, geçmiş dönemlerde Avustralya kıtasına gemilerle tavşan gittiğini ve o günden sonra ülkenin her yıl milyonlarca dolarlık bütçesini tavşanlarla mücadele çalışmasına ayırdığını anımsatarak, "Halen orada başarılı olunmuş değil. Çünkü orası da bir ada ancak kıta konumunda. Adadaki tavşanlarla mücadelemize başlarken bu gerçeği de gözönünde bulundurmalıyız" diye konuştu.
"Entegre mücadele çalışması yürüteceğiz"
Bu sorunun aşılması için entegre bir mücadele yürütmek gerektiğini anlatan Sarı, Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi'ndeki ilgili birimler ile Yaban Hayvanları Koruma ve Rehabilitasyon Merkezi ve sivil toplum kuruluşlarının bu mücadeleye destek vermesi gerektiğini dile getirdi.
Adadaki tavşan popülasyonunun yapılacak çalışmayla kontrol altına alınabileceğini belirten Sarı, böylelikle adadaki bitki örtüsünün ve tarihi dokunun korunacağını kaydetti.
"Adadaki badem ağaçları gençleştirilmeli"
Sarı, adadaki badem ağaçlarının da yaşlandığına ve bir kısmının rüzgarın şiddetiyle devrildiğine işaret ederek, bu durumun adanın görüntüsünü bozduğunu ifade etti.
Adada zarar gören ağaçların yerine yenilerinin dikilmediğini, bunun da adanın bahar aylarındaki cazibesine zarar verdiğini söyleyen Sarı, "Bu konuyla alakalı üniversitemizin Ziraat Fakültesi Bahçe Bitkileri Araştırma Bölümüyle ya da ilgili başka birimlerle ortaklaşa bir çalışma yapılarak bu ağaçların gençleştirilmesi gerekiyor. Eğer gerekli tedbirler alınmazsa 10 yıl sonra Akdamar Adası'na gittiğimizde, bugünküne oranla daha çıplak bir adayla karşılaşabiliriz."
Adayla ilgili çözüm raporu hazırladı
Doğa Gözcüleri Derneği olarak mevcut gözlemlere dayanarak rapor hazırladıklarına değinen Sarı, "Tüm bilgi ve birikimimizle elimizden gelen yardımı yapmaya hazırız. Zaten konuyla alakalı hazırladığımız çözüm raporunu da tüm ilgili ve yetkili birimlere gönderdik. Adanın korunmasında, işletmesini ve sahipliğini yapan Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı başta olmak üzere valilik ve belediyelere görevler düşüyor" ifadelerini kullandı.
20 Mayıs 2014 Salı
Did you see Dupnisa Cave?
Dupnisa Mağarası'nı gördünüz mü?
Kırklareli Kültür ve Turizm Müdür Vekili Fikret Macit, AA muhabirine yaptığı açıklamada, Dupnisa Mağarası'nın turizm açısından çok önemli bir konuma sahip olduğunu söyledi.
Macit, Türkiye'nin en uzun mağarası olma özelliğini taşıyan Dupnisa'nın ziyaretçi sayısının her geçen yıl arttığını belirtti.
Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı ile İl Özel İdaresi'nin çalışmaları doğrultusunda düzenlenerek 2003 yılında ziyarete açılan Dupnisa Mağarası'nın, Kırklareli turizmi ve Istrancalar bölgesi için önemli olduğunu dile getiren Macit, "2 bin 720 metreden oluşan mağaranın, 500 metrelik bölümüm turizme açık. Diğer bölümüne ise sadece profesyonel mağaracılar girebiliyor. Trakya'nın turizme açılan tek mağarası olma özelliğini taşıyan, 16 türde yaklaşık 33 bin yarasa bulunan Dupnisa Mağarası perşembe günü ziyarete açılıyor" diye konuştu.
Macit, yarasaların kasım-mart dönemini kış uykusunda geçirdiğini anlatarak, şunları kaydetti:
"Yarasalar, yaz döneminde depoladıkları besinlerle hayatlarını sürdürürler. Yazın enerji depolayan yarasalar, kış uykusunda ürkütülmemeli. Çünkü, ürkütüldüklerinde stresten hayatlarını kaybediyorlar. Ayrıca, enerji harcadıkları için de güçsüz düşüp ölebiliyorlar. Dolayısıyla Dupnisa Mağarası'nı 15 Mayıs-15 Kasım tarihlerinde ziyarete açıyoruz."
Macit, geçen yıl mağarayı 120 bin kişinin ziyaret ettiğini aktararak, bu yıl ziyaretçi sayısında artış beklediklerini sözlerine ekledi.
Dupnisa Mağarası
Dupnisa Mağarası, Kırklareli'nin Demirköy ilçesinin Sarpdere Köyü sınırları içerisinde, köyün 5-6 kilometre güneybatısında yer alıyor.
Trakya'nın turizme açılmış tek mağarası olma özelliği taşıyan Dupnisa Mağarası'nın, üç girişe sahip bir yeraltı sistemi var.
Toplam 3 bin 200 metre uzunluğundaki mağaranın girişten itibaren ilk 1000 metresi suludur.
Mağara, Kırklareli'ye 58, İstanbul'a da 230 kilometre uzaklıkta bulunuyor.
19 Mayıs 2014 Pazartesi
The first palace of the Ottoman Empire
Osman Gazi use for about 25 years before the conquest of Bursa, the first palace of the first remains found near Ulucami Square neighborhood was Gökgöz . Wall remains privately owned areas where the still water and the tube is being used as a store .
Archaeologists and historians of the teams in the area of research that is doing Nurettin Baydar, " Matrakçı Nasuhi until today reaching engravings included also the first Ottoman palace at Yenisehir in the district Ulucamii the south and used as a warehouse , this area is thought to be ," he said .
Nurettin Baydar, the first palace of the Ottoman Empire in history Uncovering the need to save for the future , he said. Baydar, " Yenisehir During the Ottoman Empire was an important center . Bursa conquered before the world state , the Ottoman , Yenişehir years left. Important agreements and business associations in Yenişehir was signed. Town in the center of the palace ruins Based on historical buildings as soon as possible must be reached and this historic venue should be exposed , "he said .
Yenişehir the first palace is located guessed where they were privately owned , noted that Baydar, the palace of Ottoman architecture reflects explaining, "Maybe the rise during the period palaces like but Osman Gazi Khan's residence is here . Bursa after conquering even the princes wedding Yenişehir palace was made . Many years this has continued . Ottoman Palace 's first international agreement signed in Yenişehir . them one by one we need to uncover . place , a certain position , but it can occur with archaeological excavations , "he said .
Researcher-writer Nurettin Baydar, "This is a very important place . Place just Yenisehir , not to Bursa for it is very important . This House to do unearthed should , then ' World Cultural Heritage List should be taken ," he said .
Archaeologists and historians of the teams in the area of research that is doing Nurettin Baydar, " Matrakçı Nasuhi until today reaching engravings included also the first Ottoman palace at Yenisehir in the district Ulucamii the south and used as a warehouse , this area is thought to be ," he said .
Nurettin Baydar, the first palace of the Ottoman Empire in history Uncovering the need to save for the future , he said. Baydar, " Yenisehir During the Ottoman Empire was an important center . Bursa conquered before the world state , the Ottoman , Yenişehir years left. Important agreements and business associations in Yenişehir was signed. Town in the center of the palace ruins Based on historical buildings as soon as possible must be reached and this historic venue should be exposed , "he said .
Yenişehir the first palace is located guessed where they were privately owned , noted that Baydar, the palace of Ottoman architecture reflects explaining, "Maybe the rise during the period palaces like but Osman Gazi Khan's residence is here . Bursa after conquering even the princes wedding Yenişehir palace was made . Many years this has continued . Ottoman Palace 's first international agreement signed in Yenişehir . them one by one we need to uncover . place , a certain position , but it can occur with archaeological excavations , "he said .
Researcher-writer Nurettin Baydar, "This is a very important place . Place just Yenisehir , not to Bursa for it is very important . This House to do unearthed should , then ' World Cultural Heritage List should be taken ," he said .
Karacabey flooded forest opens up to tourism
Metropolitan Mayor Recep Altepe, karacabey Mayor Ali Ozkan Murat Erol Ak Party District Chairman and Longozu Karacabey observations in conjunction with the Metropolitan bureaucrats found . President Altepe , contact the county during the Bogazköy , Yenikoy and also toured Leaded has identified shortcomings in place .
LIVING is a national park
Bursa wonderland of all kinds are available and that they are working furiously to uncover the beauty of the Metropolitan Mayor Recep Altepe, in this context attaches great importance to Longozu Karacabey said. A rare natural beauty which , in Turkey only three places in and waterlogged forest , described as swamp , the biggest of the Karacabey voicing Altepe President , people of the region and the people of Bursa know these riches both Turkey and the world to introduce what they want , he said. Karacabey Longozu the status of the natural park and the people who kept taking the natural texture here by allowing them to benefit Altepe President said that they started to work providing the region, aiming to move the agenda said. President Altepe , "This can be done every kind of tourist activities , camping areas can be established , with flora and fauna, an amazing place. Hopefully this district that can accommodate people with our municipalities , can be toured , we will make a place to have fun . Requirement of Bursa Karacabey both tourism will have achieved major gains . Bursamız will have noticed the swamp forests , "he said .
If karacabey Mayor Ali Ozkan , said a county agriculture and animal husbandry and tourism are no longer wants to be referred to a district , he said. Metropolitan Municipality act together on this issue and they start to uncover the riches of Karacabey stressed that they Ozkan, President Altepe'ye thanked for their support .
Karacabey Löngöz , which no longer exists in Europe and in the summer months during the spring tide flooded with a spectacular display of flooded forest , which gained the most vivid example is known as Turkey . To date 217 different types of birds , as determined swamp ; vernier kumkuş , coastal çamurçullug , snake eagles , kingfishers and white pelican Besides a variety of rare species such as reptiles and home to rich flora embodies the magnificent ecosystem . Karacabey Longozu , especially in the summer evenings do not search for the African savannah landscape is experiencing.
18 Mayıs 2014 Pazar
129 years of exile in Kastamonu hours
By Abdurrahman Pasha, the governor of Kastamonu period of the Clock Tower built in 1885 , bears witness to 129 years time . The Sultan in Istanbul II. Abdul Hamid II in exile in Kastamonu sent to the clock tower of the city from most of the tourists attractions as one of the visitors attracted much attention from görüyor.saat of the Tower Guard Ahmet Bektas , Clock Tower of Kastamonu date equivalent to stating that, " the period Abdurrahman pasas dating from an icon is . In addition, this hour has arrived here from Istanbul exile . As far as I know Pasha Pasha in Istanbul this time the wife is pregnant and there 's the bell timeless steal his wife's low and angry pasha here this time of our data is to be sent . The minute hand of the clock to be installed and setup in this way are building it . And that's including the scorpions are building it . When we set them up to go up and down stroke of this scale takes 12 hours . We 're setting this time every 12 hours apart . In addition, we are making it maintenance , cleaning lubrication , dust 're getting . In addition, our clock is stopped or backward if you 're doing here setting . In this time he has a feature of a half a time, for example in one, two, three in as one, two, three in the number of shoots bell . Domestic and foreign visitors throughout the year doing here , "he said .
In 1885, Governor Abdurrahman Pasha built by the Kastamonu Clock Tower 129 years time witnessed stating Bektas , " in Kastamonu 1883-1891 between the governor makes Abdurrahman Pasha Palace Above on the hill was built clock tower, the city and the domestic and foreign tourists among frequented venues , "said the konuştu.kastamo ' or the tourists who come to see the Clock Tower ," this time we learned that the 150 -year history at the end of our research . Kastamonu who witnessed everything an hour. Kastamonu is sent in exile in Istanbul at this time. We are studying at the University of Kastamonu . Kastamonu University have studied the history of this time . We have studied the history . Kastamonu under our feet that is a very nice place . Everything is already witnessing . How many years in Kastamonu watching everything here like this , "he spoke.
129 years there are rumors regarding the clock tower . According to legend ; II. Abdul Hamid was found in Topkapı Palace in Istanbul timely hours to go wrong and play timeless angered palace , the palace was punished by being exiled to Kastamonu . According to other rumors ; the Sultan 's harem located in a favorite concubine of the Seraglio , this time knocking sound because of the unborn child to reduce the result by the Sultan Clock Tower, Kastamonu exile edilmiştir.ayrı history of the Clock Tower, the city's panoramic photo you want to attract visitors who by and large are interested. The historic clock tower , so far without a hitch thanks to the guard , who served 20 çalıştırılıyor.tarih guards involved in the Clock Tower , setting up the watch every day and doing the maintenance of the circumference of the tower . The guards in the tower clock work 24 hours every day , and stated that she would stand in not installed .
In 1885, Governor Abdurrahman Pasha built by the Kastamonu Clock Tower 129 years time witnessed stating Bektas , " in Kastamonu 1883-1891 between the governor makes Abdurrahman Pasha Palace Above on the hill was built clock tower, the city and the domestic and foreign tourists among frequented venues , "said the konuştu.kastamo ' or the tourists who come to see the Clock Tower ," this time we learned that the 150 -year history at the end of our research . Kastamonu who witnessed everything an hour. Kastamonu is sent in exile in Istanbul at this time. We are studying at the University of Kastamonu . Kastamonu University have studied the history of this time . We have studied the history . Kastamonu under our feet that is a very nice place . Everything is already witnessing . How many years in Kastamonu watching everything here like this , "he spoke.
129 years there are rumors regarding the clock tower . According to legend ; II. Abdul Hamid was found in Topkapı Palace in Istanbul timely hours to go wrong and play timeless angered palace , the palace was punished by being exiled to Kastamonu . According to other rumors ; the Sultan 's harem located in a favorite concubine of the Seraglio , this time knocking sound because of the unborn child to reduce the result by the Sultan Clock Tower, Kastamonu exile edilmiştir.ayrı history of the Clock Tower, the city's panoramic photo you want to attract visitors who by and large are interested. The historic clock tower , so far without a hitch thanks to the guard , who served 20 çalıştırılıyor.tarih guards involved in the Clock Tower , setting up the watch every day and doing the maintenance of the circumference of the tower . The guards in the tower clock work 24 hours every day , and stated that she would stand in not installed .
Kayıtlar (Atom)